Due to frequent changes please see Weekly Bulletin for Mass & Liturgy Times

CHRISTMAS TMES:                    2nd Rite Reconciliation -6pm Tuesday 17/12         
 Christmas Eve Vigil Mass- 8pm Tuesday 24/12           Christmas Day Masses- 7:30am & 9:00am


There are many opportunities to be involved within our parish. Everyone is invited to join one or more ministry teams, according to your talents and interests. Support and Training are provided where needed. Rostering can be flexible to meet individual availability. To volunteer or find out more about any of these ministries please contact the Parish office.


Gathering in the Expectation of the Eucharist – a pastoral letter from Bishop Greg 

Liturgical and Operational Ministries include:

Altar Servers
Extra-ordinary ministers of the Eucharist
Lectors ( Readers)
Collections (money)
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Powerpoint operators
Church Decoration ( flowers, banners, etc)
Church cleaning- mainly dusting, tidying and washing (including linen, brassware, timber, statues,pews, etc)

Sawtell Youth Ministries

Liturgy of the Word for Children

Altar Servers

AXIOS Youth Group


Liturgy for ChildrenAvailable most weeks during the 6pm Saturday Vigil Mass & 9am Sunday Mass.

Altar Servers: Children who have completed the Sacraments of Initiation are invited to join this ministry. Contact the parish office for details.

New Altar Server Registration form 2024



Altar Servers Roster for 2023 by date

Altar Server  Group List 2023

 AXIOS (meaning worthy)- previously known as  ‘Food Fun Faith & Friendship’ 

All students in Years 4, 5 & 6 from any school are invited to come along to this group. meet each Wednesday during school terms in the parish church annexe from 3:10pm – 4:45pm.
To register for the AXIOS youth group fill in the online form below or contact the parish office on 66583544.

Click here for the AXIOS Youth Group online form.

Young Adults including SUMMIT










There are a number of groups which provide opportunities for prayer. Some of these are ongoing while others are at set times .These include:

Ignatian Spirituality groups
Contact Sr Fidelis on 02 6658 4580

Cenacle Rosary and Prayer of Consecration
MHOC church 3:00pm each Tuesday

Hearts With Hope Support  Group (People experiencing loss supporting each other)

First Friday of each month. 9:30am Mass followed by cuppa and chat.


The Rosary
Recited weekly before the 7:30am Mass each Sunday and before most weekday Masses.

Lenten and Advent prayer groups
These small groups run in the weeks leading up to Easter and Christmas and follow a specific program. Contact Carolyn Tumminello on 6658 3544

See the parish e-bulletin & newsletter for for information

Sawtell Catholic Parish Family Groups

When Mary Help of Christians parish was created in 1983 parishioners wanted to create a connected, supportive parish. The regular family groups help build a parish (which includes school) community that connects people. Anyone can join, we are all family. Talk to our Family Group leaders at Mass or give Carolyn a call at the parish office on 02 6658 3544.

Parish Family Group Information PDF



Boambee Josephite Associates

The Boambee Josephite Association Group now numbers close to 50 members, both men and women, aged from 20 years – 80+. For more information or to visit our Associate Group here in Boambee, please contact Lorraine Kirkaldy or Sr Fidelis
Boambee Josephite Associates Information PDF


Parish Finance Council

Meet the members of the our current Parish Finance Council.

Meet our Parish Council

Join our bulletin

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